Entry 1: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Entry 1: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hey ya'll! I think since I've been touch and go over the past few months, it's time to reintroduce Style House Tuesday. Not gonna lie, it's been a little shakey around these parts.  Consistency has been a challenge, life been teaching me some hard to swallow lessons and...I'm ready to tell my story lol.  My brand is more than just taking fun pics and selling apparel. Clothing is a big part of our DNA. What we go through in life reflects in the clothing we wear.  I've always had a fascination with clothes but in this particular season of my life has made me think about how I truly want to show up in this world, breaking past all of the fears, uncertainty, and creating the reality of my dreams. 

These upcoming entries serve as a journal of stories about living life through the lens of fashion. I want to take you all on this journey with me as I build SHT through personal life stories and lessons. 

Style House Tuesday is dedicated to women who live life fearlessly.

- Legzzz


Shop the Look:

Vintage Milli Coat

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